How to fix node version in a Web-App

Narendra Sisodiya
1 min readSep 30, 2020


How we can fix not version so that developer, CI/CD, production, everybody uses the same node version?

Step 1 — Add nodeVersionLock in package.json

we need to add preinstall and prestart scripts too.

Step 2 — Throw errors when undesired node-version found.

Step 3— AutoUpdate of Dockerfile & GitbHub YML

This step is optional and custom. it depends on your setup.

This is an example of my setup where I am calling the above script using pre-commit hooks.

So, we don’t need to update node-version on Docker or any kind of CI/CD yml files.

So, Next time, whenever you want to upgrade the node version, just update the nodeVersionLock field in package JSON and rest everything will be taken care of



Narendra Sisodiya
Narendra Sisodiya

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